Standard Rex

Standard Rex Rabbits
Our oldest daughter expressed interest in raising her own so we helped her start her own rabbitry of the breed, Rex in 2023. She called her rabbitry "Scarlett's Bunny Hop Rabbitry" where she bought her first unrelated trio of 2 does and a buck from the Creston area. She has since expanded her rabbitry with rabbits from Alberta and norther Saskatchewan to diversify her gene pool. She has been doing very well learning how to care for them through the 4-H program!
More about the Rex: Standard Rex size average from 7lbs to 11lbs. They have a gorgeous thick and very unique coat that gives them a velvet like feel to them and is highly desirable in their furs. Their fur doesn't grow as other rabbit breeds; it is a genetic mutation where the guard hairs grown shallow to the skin creating a double textured coat that all sticks up strait out from the body. This breed was originally created in 1919, France. Their feet are rather small compared to their body size, females have a classic "dewlap" (a large flap of skin usually meant for pulling fur out to line their nests for the babies to stay warm) under their chin. They have broad heads and strait ears. They make for an easy to raise meat rabbit as well since they are quite robust.
They are desired for pets, showing, meat and the fur trade. They have mild temperaments making a good pet for children. And easily produce 10-15 kits per litter if not more and are excellent mothers.