Silkie Chickens
Bantam Size
In 1874 the breed was recognized officially in North America by the Standard of Perfection. Their history of true origins are actually unknown though they were first documented in ancient China. Some breeders in the Dutch cultures sold the chickens claiming they were half chicken and half rabbit because of their amazing silky textured feathers! haha!
Their feathers are like the down on other kinds of birds, lacking functioning barbicels. Because of this unique plumage, they are unable to fly. They are known to be extremely soft and fluffy! There are two distinct varieties: non-bearded and bearded. The bearded silkies have extra puffy feathers under their beak, covering the neck and earlobes. Their earlobes should be turquoise-bluish, having dark wattles and a small walnut-shaped comb.
Silkies have black to blueish skin, bones and meat which is called Melanism. This a rare trait that is caused by fibromalanosis, a mutation most likely originating in Asia. There are a few other breeds that also share this unusual condition. They also have another fun feature that is rare in the chicken world! They are polydactyly! Meaning they typically have 5 toes or more. These little cuties also have feathers on their legs and feet. The roosters average 2-3lbs while the hens are 1-2lbs. They are not known for being great meat birds.
Silkies are only recognized in certain colors for the Stand of Perfection: blue, black, buff, white, partridge, and grey. Alternatives, such as cuckoo, splash, red, and lavender also exist.
People love having silkies for their easy going gentle temperaments and wonderful mothering traits! They are used for hatching out eggs from other breeds of chickens since they have an amazing willingness to brood. Their egg production is not very high since being so broody, averaging 100 eggs in a good year. Their eggs are cream colored. These adorable chickens are great for the backyard enthusiast and wonderful with children.
Our group of silkies are a beautiful color mixture and are not "Show Quality" birds. Sold as "pet quality" only. It's always so much fun guessing what kind of colors the chicks will grow up to be! And surprisingly getting something super unique every year!