It's a funny story how we got into peacocks... I always dreamed of having some... though knew they weren't very useful to a farm. More of an ornamental bird; On the back burner of my wish list. I had built a building to house my future turkeys and then my husband magically put peacocks in it ha-ha. Of course one of my longtime mentors was getting out of peacocks, and another friend of mine needed help with rehoming some. So here we are, a flock of peacocks later! I have learned so much in the short time we have had them. (Bought our first bunch of birds in 2020) They are hard to hatch in homemade incubators, though it is possible and I have had success! The hens do better hatching their own young, but are very fierce mothers! The hens are also very picking about which male they will let breed them.
They begin their breeding season a little later than the other species of birds. Which doesn't give a lot of time to rear the young before the cold season comes. They hate winter! lol A decent shelter is a must for these guys! They need a higher protein diet than other birds... and by the way, they most certainly do fly! If you have a large acreage and don't mind them flying off into nearby trees to roost or into your barn rafters, then fantastic! They will probably live their best lives being free range birds! For those on smaller acreages like ourselves, we need an enclosed aviary to keep them from wondering off to the neighbors!
Yes, they are loud! But mostly during breeding season which roughly begins in May/June. Other then that, they don't make much noise besides the odd predator call out or soft coos when communicating with each other. They are very personable and social birds. Love attention from their humans and yummy treats of lettuce and blueberries!
We are currently only offering Black Shoulder Peacocks, they carry the genes of Indian Blues. As of 2025, we have 1 pair of Black Shoulders to work with.