Jubilee Orpingtons
Standard Size
They originated in England in 1897. The "Jubilee" color was created to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. They have all the same basic characteristics as the Lavender Orpington, or per say the Orpington breed in itself, as there are many recognized color variations of the breed. The Orpington breed was meant to be a dual-purpose bird. The roosters take a little longer to dress out for the table but it is well worth the wait! The roosters average between 9-14lbs while the hens are around 6-8lbs. They hold a gorgeous curved shape and shorter back with a small head & medium sized red comb. Their color pattern can change within 3 molts or 18 months of age to their true plumage.
The hens lay a beautiful light brown medium sized egg and average 150 to 180 eggs a year. Known to be broody. best laying is generally between 8-18 months of age. They will still lay easily into their 4th year, just don't expect an egg every day!
Their skin is white and legs are generally white while being clean of feathers. They are very robust & puffy making them appear larger than they really are. Being an Orpington, naturally they are very docile and a quiet bird. Making great backyard pet chickens for children to handle. Also they are amazingly cold hardy birds which is desirable in colder regions.
Their feather color should be a rich mahogany with black spangles and white tips. So far in our experiences with raising the Jubilee, we have found that the pullets are easily recognized from the roosters at roughly 2 months of age.