Outdoor Hutches/Cages
Our rabbits are kept in outdoor hutches year round. They're nothing fancy as I use & build what I can recycle with generally. As long as they are large, sturdy, dry and provide protection from the elements they work great! The bottom of the cages are framed and covered with 1" wire holes. This is great for easy clean up of the rabbit poop and the holes are large enough for the poop to fall through. Large flat boards are provided so the rabbits are not sitting on the wire constantly. Our cages are in the same enclosure as our chicken coop and the chickens do a great job cleaning up whatever the rabbits drop for food and mix the poop up for composting later. We have been keeping our rabbits this way for years now and its been very successful! Rabbit poop is amazing for gardening and ready to use right away! We usually mix it in with the chicken and horse compost pile for better breakdown of organic matter.
On one side of the rabbit hutch there is a section that is enclosed for the Does to give birth to their kits. This is called the nesting area. The bottom is removable for easy clean up because kits can be very messy and are not easily potty trained. The adults pick a spot in the hutch to do their business, and eventually the kits will start doing it in the same area. I have large tool box organizers that work great for the nesting boxes. They are easy to keep the kits clean while they are tiny. Straw is used for bedding. Vinegar is used from sanitation between litters and is amazing in removing rabbit urine.
Doe cage dimensions are 7 feet long, 3 feet wide. 3-4 feet tall on the inside, and 3-4 feet off the ground.
Buck cages average 4-6 feet long. Also 3 feet wide, 3-4 feet tall on the inside and 3-4 feet off the ground. Same dimensions for the junior rabbits.
The cages for the weaned kits (Growers) are 6-7 feet long with same dimensions as above. Bucks are separated from Does.