Heritage Barn Mix
Heritage Barn Mix pen consists of:
Lavender Orpington
Isabelle Orpington
Crele Orpington
Black Copper Maran
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Bielefelder cross hens
Cream Legbar cross hens
Opal Legbar cross hens
Salmon Favorelles
Black Ameraucana
And other barn mix hens
Roosters are Black Ameraucana, Cream Legbar, Welsummer, Lavender Orpington, Large white Cornish Broiler/Orpington cross, Salmon Favorelle, White Chantecler crosses, etc.
NO Bantam breeds. This is a large dual purpose flock, bred specifically for coloured eggs and a large finished carcass to process extra roosters in the fall for the family table!
This flock has a little bit of everything! Plus we are always looking to add more unique breeds of chickens keeping in mind their beautiful attributes and colored egg laying capabilities! This is our "fun" bunch for the beautiful rainbow egg basket! There is a level of surprise when mixing so many interesting birds together and love that we are able to offer such a unique hatching egg mixture. If you like surprises, then this is surely going to give you the WOW factor in hatching eggs or chicks! You never know for sure what's going to come out!
Expect a large array of unique colors and patterns, different coloured feet, and some will have feathers and extra toes on their feet/legs as well!
All Chicks are sold as strait-run (meaning they cannot be sexed as young chicks)