Flemish Giant
Meat Rabbits
Hill Top Rabbitry offers beautiful purebred Flemish Giant Rabbits. We mainly have different shades of grey, black, white, sandy, & fawn, in colors. Our rabbits weigh averaging between 17 to 20lbs fully grown (at about 1yr old). They are well kept in an outdoor environment.
Flemish Giants are a universal type of rabbit with many different purposes such as breeding, meat, show and pets. They are popular for their large size and very docile temperament. They have no weight limit and can easily exceed 20lbs. FG's need a large Hutch or living area to meet their needs as a large rabbit and require a high protein diet to maintain their body size & health. Depending on their living quarters their nails may need to be clipped and maintained to prevent injury to handlers and themselves. Both does & bucks all have their own individual personality's and after sexual maturity require their own private hutch/cage or living space. Female FG's sexually mature around 8 -12 months of age, or after they reach a certain weight which is 13lbs +. Males mature around 10 -12 months also depending on weight/size. These large rabbits should have fresh food and water available to them at all times. They are very versatile and can live in any climate, making the perfect house bunny, or a barnyard addition.
Female rabbits are called Doe's.
Male rabbits are called Buck's.
Gestation period is 28 - 32 Days.
Doe's can have anywhere from 5 to 15 babies per litter.
Baby bunnies are called "Kits".

Guidelines for Large Breed Rabbits
Require a large outdoor hutch/run for daily excerise or indoor room/area.
16-18% protien pellets (basic rabbit feed) to maintain their large size (can give lots of treats too :) )
Fresh food and water at all times; always change/clean out old spilled food/damp bedding. etc.
Maintain a clean living area at all times to ensure proper health.
Spay & or Neuter is always a great option when having more than one rabbit together. They are very Territorial/dominant animals after sexual maturity.
They easily get along with other animals if growing up with them.
They can stress very easily when being handled or introduced to new things later in life. It would be best to look up different handling techniques on the internet!​
They love to play! Most cat toys make great toys for them to play with. You can find specially made rabbit toys in most pet stores now a days too.
​Rabbits teeth constantly grow, that means they must have something to chew at all times to keep their teeth trimmed. If you notice your rabbit is losing weight for some strange reason, it is always a good idea to check their teeth.
Their nails also constantly grow, if you have them on wire bottom cages it is always best to trim them on a regular basis to keep them comfortable.
If having rabbits on wire bottom cages, make sure to have a board or something flat for them to rest on at all times. If not they can possibly get sores on their hocks (back feet) and can be very unconfortable for them. ​