Our Story
Hello! My name is Kathy & I run a small hobby farm with my husband and three beautiful daughters. We are located in the south hills of Cranbrook B.C. Canada. I specialize in raising purebred Flemish Giant meat rabbits & Heritage Poultry. Our flocks consist of several different color variations of purebred Orpingtons, Black Copper Marans, Salmon Favorelle's, Americana's, Barn Mix & a variety of bantam Silkie chickens. Alongside the chickens are some Brown Chinese Geese, Muscovy Ducks, Sweetgrass Turkeys and Black shoulder Peacocks. We have raised many different kinds of rabbits and birds throughout the years and have come to truly love our current breeds. They are absolutely wonderful to have on our little farm! Striving for quality in our animals is our passion!
Along with all our birds & bunnies, we have 3 wonderful LGD's (Livestock Guard Dogs), "Aspen, Timber & Bandit", and our house dog "Willow". a bunch of barn cats, 2 house cats, 3 saddle Horses, 2 pony's, 1 mini donkey, and a couple tanks of fish. We raise 2 meat pigs for our family every year as well utilizing the Loop Program - Zero Food Waste | Loop Resource ​
I began getting into rabbits & chickens in 2011, and have been growing ever since! My husband has been my enabler (though he thoroughly enjoys the animals too lol) I absolutely love the small farm life and the daily dose of fresh air! There is always something new happening, whether it be babies being born, rescuing, buying, selling, trading or an oops!! It all keeps me on my toes and wondering what's around the corner! :) Many of my rabbits have made it across western Canada and into loving homes. It is so wonderful to send off a new member of the family! Our birds have also made it into many beautiful backyards and farmyards abroad! I love hearing about how happy people are with their colorful flocks and fresh farm eggs!
You are more than welcome to visit us through our Facebook Page!
Hill Top Funny Farm. Where I keep more updated information on current litters and hatches of what will be available for sale. Also tons of pictures, fun facts! and what's happening with all our other lovely critters :D
Thanks for Visiting and Enjoy!!

Why Hobby Farm?
I was raised on a small farm that had a few cows and a couple old horses. I suppose its in my blood; the love for animals, that is! My husband did not have that luxury but also shared the same compassion for animals! We knew we wanted to raise our family in a farm style setting and teach our children where their food comes from. We were lucky enough to start raising animals and eventually purchase our very own piece of paradise were we plan to broaden our husbandry skills and grow a huge garden! The options are truly limitless and the future for our children looks so bright!
We both share the love of the outdoors and the full experience of the hunt. Filling our freezers with wild game and our own farm raised meats is so rewarding! All our livestock is raised for our own table. Our kids are raised up knowing that the animals serve a purpose and that its our responsibility to give them the best quality life until their time.